The advancement in the technology (high resolution ultrasonography, genetic tests) provides new opportunities for prenatal diagnosis. Prenatal counselling may help the parents to describe child's condition, treatment options and clarifying the expectations. When cleft lip and palate deformity is diagnosed during pregnancy, informing the parents about what will happen to them after birth is essential by the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. It is necessary to improve the state of mind of the pregnant woman in this meeting and to inform about the cleft condition of the baby and postnatal nutrition. It is informed that if the pregnancy ends on time, the baby's birth weight and development will be better, care of the newborn will be easier and the importance of breastfeeding for newborn is also explained to the parents.
The ideal timing in the early evaluation of the patient is the first two weeks or the next days when the state of health is appropriate.
When the patient is referred to the Cleft Center by the pediatrician, the team leader determines the proper treatment plan for the baby. If necessary, the child is referred to pediatrician, nutritionist, cardiologist, genetics, neurologist, psychiatrist and the inputs are evaluated by the cleft team on your behalf.
Depending on the severity of the cleft, your hometown, and your suitability for the treatment, the nasoalveolar molding, which we call preoperative orthodontic treatment, is scheduled and applied.
The specialists decide on the overall diagnosis and treatment together in multidisciplinary fashion. The parents and the patient are informed in detail.
During the follow up, the team coordinator provides the collaboration between the patient, you and the cleft team. The coordinator sets the appointments, answers the questions and coordinates the care for your child.