Information Form For Patient with Isolated Cleft Lip

İnforming the family: Plastic surgeon and other departments if necessary

0-1 Month
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of hearing (audiology): Newborn hearing screening must be done in the hospital they were born. If they has not been screened, they must be evaluated in any healthcare organization where hearing screening is available. 
Pediatric cardiologist examination
Genetic examination
Nutrition education for family

1-4 Month
Cleft lip repair
If the infant received orthodontic treatment before, taking orthodontic measurement during the repairment
Nutritional advice (team and healthy child)
Nutrition education after repair

5-9 Month
Evaluation of pediatric and neurological development by the plastic surgeon and consultation if necessary

10-18 Month
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of speech-language development
Hearing screening for 1 year old
Evaluation of development by pediatricians,  genetics, neurologist     )

19-24 Month
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of speech-language development
Hearing screening for 2 years old
ENT examination

Age 2-3:
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of hearing
Evaluation of speech-language development

Age 3-4:
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of speech-language development
Evaluation of tooth development (Pedodontics)
Preschool psychosocial evaluation (psychologist)

Age 5-6:
General Plastic Surgery Examination
The planning of required surgical treatments

  • Fistula repair
  • Velopharyngeal Failure repair
  • Cleft lip-nose repair
  • Lip revision

Evaluation of speech
Evaluation of hearing
Orthodontic examination
Evaluation of tooth development (Pedodontics)

Age 7-12:
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Evaluation of patients in terms of sleep apnea
Starting orthodontic treatment if necessary
Evaluation of speech
Planning and implementation of surgical interventions for speech disorders

Age 13-16:
General Plastic Surgery Examination
Monitoring of chin and face development and planning orthognathic surgery if necessary
Evaluation of speech and implementation of surgical interventions for speech disorders

Age 16-18:
Orthognathic surgery application if there is upper jaw retardation and malocclusion
Evaluation of speech and implementation of surgical interventions for speech disorders


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